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Jun 02

Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Regional Center Rate Letter Raises Minimum Wage in California


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The Brown Administration, through the Department of Developmental Services, released a letter on Friday, May 16th, that outlines how it intends to help lessen the impact of July 1st increase of the State minimum wage from $8 to $9 an hour to certain eligible community organizations, agencies and individuals who provide supports and services to over 250,000 children and adults with developmental disabilities. A copy of the 3 page letter can be found here. This letter and the DDS decision to raise the State minimum wage for regional center vendors results from Assembly Bill 10, authored by Assembly Member Luis Alejo (Democrat, Watsonville), that will increase the State's minimum wage from $8 to $9 an hour on July 1, 2014, and from $9 to $10 an hour on January 1, 2016. Please find a link to Assembly Bill 10 here

*Please find a link to Assembly Bill 10 here